It is a message of recognition to the activists, teachers, workers, mothers, grandmothers, ancestors, sisters and friends whose (her)stories are not recorded or celebrated as part of dominant historical narratives relating to the resistance struggle in South Africa. Like the lives of many of the unnamed women, this piece is nonlinear, chaotic and unpredictable, and gestures toward everyday acts of survival. It takes the viewer on a journey from turmoil to transcendence, and is intended as a portal for continued dreaming toward a shared vision of liberation.

Single channel video projection. Dimensions 2m x 2.4m. Duration: 05:00.
Installation views of As high as the stars so far unseen at Arts House, 2022.

blk banaana is a South African multidisciplinary artist working with handmade and digital collage, video art and installation. Her practice explores visualizing fragmentation and speculative reconstruction through collage, reimagining notions of time, place, space, identity, being and belonging produced by Western historical, anthropologic and algorithmic forces. As an emerging artist, she has collaborated with many artists and organisations in South Africa and globally, over the past two years, working as both a designer and artistic collaborator. In August 2021, she was selected as the first artist-in-residence for LAPA Pan African Artist Residency, founded by The Goethe Institute Johannesburg and VANSA (Visual Arts Network of South Africa).
- Installation photos by Jody Haines.